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Jenny Nicholson Counselling Therapy


Hello and welcome. 

My name is Jenny Nicholson, and I am a qualified Counsellor working with adults and young people.  I have worked with individuals from all walks of life with varying needs and mental health concerns.  I treat every person I meet as a unique individual and seek to understand their world as they see it with an open heart and an open mind. 

Person Centred Counselling

Person Centred is a humanistic form of counselling which focuses on each individuals unique experiences, self-beliefs and views of the world.  The main concept of Person-Centred Theory is that every person is capable of self-growth and reaching their full potential given the right conditions.  These conditions include unconditional positive regard where there is complete acceptance without judgement and a strong therapeutic relationship built on transparent honesty, trust and respect.  It is a non-directive form of therapy which means the client chooses the topics they wish to explore, and the counsellor supports this exploration by providing a safe space for open reflection.  This allows for healing and change to occur as old wounds are properly addressed and clarity begins to form.



Face to face counselling is ideal for those who prefer in person therapy or are looking for a place away from home to talk freely.

I have a purpose built therapy room in Canvey Island Essex which has been especially designed for both adults and children.


Telephone counselling can work well for those who are unable to travel or prefer to talk from the comfort of their own home.

It is important to ensure you have privacy and a safe space to talk comfortably.

Online Video Call

Online Video Calls are a good way to reproduce speaking face-to-face without having to leave your home.

It is important to ensure your device is suitable.  You may wish to use headphones for extra privacy.

I am happy to work with whichever service best suits you
and you can change options at any time

Service Prices


Counselling Sessions are £50 per hour

Payments must be made via bank transfer 24 hours before your appointment

Concessions are available for

those on a low income. 

Please contact me if finance is an issue.

Children 11-16

Counselling Sessions are £35 per hour

Payments must be made via bank transfer 24 hours before your appointment

Concessions are available for

those on a low income. 

Please contact me if finance is an issue.


No obligation
to help you decide if this service is right for you

Please contact me to book

Some of the common issues I work with are included below. 
If you have a concern which is not shown here, please feel free to contact me.

Counselling for Adults
  • Anxiety

  • Bereavement

  • Depression

  • Eating Disorders

  • Past Trauma/Abuse

  • Relationship Problems

  • Self-Confidence Issues

  • Work Place Bullying

  • Pregnancy/Fertility

  • Fears/Phobias

  • Vicarious Trauma

  • OCD

  • Anger Management

  • Family Conflict
  • Substance Misuse
  • Life Transitions
  • Chronic Illness
  • Menopause
  • Work Related Stress
  • Neurodiversity
  • Disability Issues
  • Financial Stress
  • Care giver Burnout
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Age Related Concerns
  • Loneliness/Isolation
Counselling for Children 11-16
  • Anxiety

  • ADHD

  • Autism

  • Behavior Problems

  • Bereavement

  • Bullying

  • Eating disorders

  • Anger Issues

  • Identity Issues

  • Body Image

  • Depression

  • Divorce/Separation
  • Past trauma/Abuse/Domestic Violence
  • School avoidance
  • Self Injury
  • Social Isolation
  • Substance Misuse
  • Sexualality Issues
  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Anger Management

For children to attend therapy, consent from

a parent or legal guardian is required.


2019: CPCAB Level 2 Counselling Skills
2020: CPCAB Level 3 Counselling Skills
2022: CPCAB Level 4 Diploma Therapeutic Counselling

2024: CPCAB Level 3 Teaching and Assessing (RQF)

2024: CPCAB Level 2 Understanding Substance Misuse


Extra Training

2020 Open University Introduction to Psychology

2020 Open University Introduction to Child Psychology

2020 Open University Emotions and Emotional Disorders

2022 Centre of Excellence: Grief and Bereavement Counselling Diploma

2023 New Skills Academy: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Diploma

2023 BACP: Depression and Young People

Self Injury in Children and Teens

Suicidal Ideation

Working with Autism



In 2021 I completed 100 hours of placement work providing free counselling therapy to adults all over the UK via online and telephone .  I continued to volunteer with the service for another year, accumilating over 250 hours of therapy with people from all walks of life with a wide range of issues.  In 2022 I worked as a school counsellor in a secondary school and sixth form with children and young adults aged 11-18.  I worked with many children with a range of issues including neurodiversity and SEN (Special Educational Needs).

Prior to Counselling, I worked as a care home support worker for the elderly, supporting vulnerable adults with Dementia, physical disabilities and end of life care.  I later moved to a facility which catered for young adults with learning disabilities and provided one-to-one support for individuals aged 18-50 with Autism, Aspergers and varying medical needs.  I also worked as a mobile hairdresser for several years, where i specialised in providing services for the elderly, disabled and housebound.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does counselling work?

Counselling works by allowing individuals to fully process and address difficulties in their lives which are causing distress.  Sometimes we can become "stuck" in a cycle which we feel unable to escape.  Research has shown that the best way to break out of this cycle is talking therapy because this allows the brain to process the issues it is struggling with.  Often, we do not talk about our feelings or negative thoughts and this forces us to supress a great deal of anxiety.  When we do this, it has a detrimental affect on our mind and body as the stress and strain bubbles away beneath the surface.  It is difficult for us to address these issues as we tend to consider the needs of others and don't want to burden anyone.  We also keep alot of our thoughts to ourselves through fear of judgement or rejection.  Counselling allows for a real and honest  relationship which is like no other as you have complete freedom to really explore those thoughts and feelings without any repercussions.  Having this freedom is like a breath of fresh air that allows you to finally breathe and let go of alot of the weight you have been carrying.

How does it work with children?

Play therapy is often used with younger children who struggle to identify and express their emotions.  It involves the use of toys, games and creative materials which allow for children to self-express in a safe way.  It also helps the child to develop a sense of trust and comfortability in having therapy.  As the child begins to express their feelings, we can gently explore this and discuss coping strategies.
For adolesents, therapy essentially works the same as for adults.  They have the freedom to discuss whatever they choose and I support them in exploring those topics.

What about confidentiality?

Confidentiality is a vital part of counselling and one of the main ethical standards i am commited to.  It is important for all my clients to know that they are safe to talk openly and freely.  However, i also have a duty of care towards my clients and their safety and must respond to any serious risks of harm.  This means I am required to report incidents where there is a significant risk to the client or another persons safety and outsource further help.  Where possible, I will discuss this with my client first.   I am also legally required to report incidents of money laundering, drug trafficking and acts of terrorism.    For further information, please refer to terms of confidentiality.

I am a parent, will I be told what my child discusses?

I understand it is incredibly hard for parents and guardians to have their child attend counselling.  Children and adolecents typically don't tell their parents everything and this can be very worrying for families who are desperately wanting to help. It is natural to want to know what is being bought up during therapy but for therapy to work, there needs to be confidentiality.  It is an essential part of the process which if removed, there is no foundation of trust and honesty.  Having worked with children and young people, i have often found that as the individual goes through the counselling process, they become more able and willing to discuss their thoughts with family members. We will often explore ways in which they can broach these issues with their family if this is something they are struggling with.  In terms of safeguarding, I have a duty to prioritise childrens safety above all else.  This means I am required to report any incidents where there is significant risk of harm. More information can be found at

How many sessions will i need?

There is no obligation to attend a specific number of sessions.  I understand that you may wish to try one or two sessions to determine if it is right for you.  To gain the best result from therapy, a minimum of six sessions is recomended, but not compulsary.  I am happy to carry out ongoing sessions or one off appointments.

What if I don't know what to talk about?

Please don't worry.  Many people struggle to know where to begin.  It is my priority to make you feel comfortable and at ease. Some people prefer to start with some light conversation, whilst others feel ready to get straight into deep discussion.  I will always go at the pace you are comfortable with.



"I have had the good fortune to meet this young lady when I was at my worst.  She listens in a very calm and patient way.  She understands your feelings and moods in a very calm and knowledgeable way and explains your reactions to these.  More importantly, you then start to understand why you are having these thoughts and moods swings.  She then has a way of calmly guiding you through ways to cope with these emotions and thoughts.  I had many other sessions with various therapists but i always thought they were impersonal or clock watching, but not with her.  She puts you at ease and makes you feel comfortable so you can open up to her.  I still get some down times but thanks to my time with Jenny, I still hear her calming voice guiding me through it."

Male late 60's

"Having counselling was the best thing I've ever done.  During my A level exams I was suffering with anxiety to the point it was making me sick.  Jenny helped me to change the way I was thinking and gave me some helpful coping tools. I passed my exams and have continued to use the methods I learned to cope better with stressful situations".

Female late teens

"I cannot tell you how much Jenny has been a godsend.  Professional, kind and sincere. 

I would like to thank you so much for giving me clarity on things."

Male mid 40's

"My daughter had counselling when she was having problems at school.  She was very depressed and wouldnt talk to anyone. After having counselling with Jenny, she was like a different person. She finally started opening up and it bought us closer together."

Parent of teen

"I had counselling with Jenny when I was going through a very difficult divorce.  Talking to someone really helped me through, and I'm not sure how I would have managed without it.  Jenny was so nice and understanding and very easy to talk to. After each session I came away feeling stronger and more sure of what I needed to do. I am in a much better place now".

Female late 50's



14 Amid Road

Canvey Island





You are welcome to text message or leave a voicemail


Responses to emails can take upto 2-3 days, however I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

8:00 am – 8:00 pm    


9:00 am – 7:00 pm



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